Please get in touch with us
If you have any questions about the personal and professional service Pets at Rest provide or would like to arange a meeting to discuss your bereavement needs further please contact us. We are normally open 7 days a week 9.00am till 6.00pm.
Please call the number below, our landline is unavailable due to a technology upgrade.
Telephone 07881 923333

Contrary to misleading conjecture by persons unknown to us, we need to affirm that Pets at Rest are not ‘age related’. We remain the same independent small family business as we have been for the past twenty three years, and have no connection with any other cremation services in the area. Despite the restrictions and changes created by Covid, we still ensure our Clients and their Pets receive our personal bespoke service and attention throughout with the same compassion, care and dignity as always. Pat, Les and Victoria.